There are many such natural cures for yeast infections in women that are as effective as the medicines that are used for its treatment.
Yeast infection is commonly known by another name candidiasis. This is because it is caused by a single-celled microscopic fungi called Candida albicans. Even though both men and women can get this infection, it has been found that women are more prone to it. This fungi grows well in warm and moist parts of the body, like underarms, mouth, skin folds, between the toes, and of course, the genital area. In fact, women mostly tend to get it in the vaginal area and is often referred to as vaginal candidiasis. The common identifiable symptoms of this condition are constant itching sensation on the skin, which is accompanied by reddening and swelling of the skin. When it affects the vaginal part, then its symptoms are more uncomfortable that include thick vaginal discharge and burning pain that gets aggravated during urination and sexual intercourse. In this article, you will come across some natural cures for yeast infections in women.
You will be surprised to know that the microorganism actually already exists on various parts of the skin surface of your body as well as the vaginal area, but it does not cause a problem. The body keeps the growth of the fungi in check by maintaining the acidic balance on the skin surface. However, due to some reasons, if this balance gets disrupted, then the fungi overgrows and trigger infection.
Some of the factors that are responsible for this problem are as follows:
- Weak immune system
- Hormonal changes that takes place during pregnancy and menstrual cycle
- Use of contraceptive pills
- Side effects of medicines like antibiotics
- Lack of proper hygiene
- Wearing tight clothes
Home Remedies
When a patient visits a doctor with this problem, they prescribe oral medicines and topical creams. The oral medicines need to be continued even if the symptoms subside or else the infection may return. For this reason, many women are not too keen to use medicines for the treatment. Rather, they prefer to try certain home remedies. Some excellent ones are discussed below:
Plain Unsweetened Yogurt: Yogurt can be applied topically on the infected part with the help of a tampon. The ‘useful’ bacteria present in the yogurt helps to regain the balance between the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria in the region. It should be applied two times in a day: once in the morning and once before going to bed.
Tea Tree Oil: The oil can be used in diluted form as well as undiluted form. When you are using it in undiluted form, take a few drops of the oil on a tampon and put it inside the vagina. However, if you are slightly apprehensive that using it this way can cause burning sensation, then combine it with equal amount of rubbing alcohol. Dilute 8-10 drops of this mixture into one glass of tap water and douche the infected area with this solution.
Garlic: For a quick relief from the annoying symptoms, garlic is one of the best cures. Insert a fresh garlic clove into the area and within few minutes, you can feel that the itchy sensation has gone down to a great extent. Continue to use it several times in a day, and after 2-3 days, you will find that all the symptoms have subsided. If the infection is in any other part of the body, then make a fresh garlic paste and apply it generously on the affected area.
Apple Cider Vinegar: This is the safest option for in pregnant women. If you are pregnant and troubled by yeast infection, then add a cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath water and soak yourself in this water for half an hour. This will prevent the growth of the yeast and provide relief from the symptoms.
Honey: Honey is another excellent home remedy. Take about half cup of honey and apply it generously over the infected part and leave it untouched for the next 20 minutes. Sit in one place after applying the honey. After 20 minutes, take a bath in warm water.
Increase your Water Intake: The treatment with these natural substances will work in your favor provided you keep your body hydrated with plenty of water. You are always being advised to drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. When you are suffering from this problem, then have a few more glasses of water. This will facilitate flushing out of all those toxins that are present in your body and are acting as food for the infection causing yeast. Thus, they cannot survive for long and you will be cured.
The natural cures given in this article can treat the problem in a matter of one week or ten days. If it does not, then it is time to visit a doctor. The apple cider vinegar treatment is absolutely safe for pregnant women, but still it is advised that you talk to your doctor once before using it.
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.