Red raspberry tea and pregnancy are interrelated in several ways. This tea is beneficial before, during, and after a pregnancy. Let’s find out how.
Red raspberry tea and pregnancy are very closely related. Many issues that a woman faces during or before pregnancy could well be corrected with the consumption of red raspberry tea in one way or the other―be it fertility, miscarriages, or inducing labor. Let us learn more about this connection in the following sections.
The red raspberry leaf from which the tea is brewed has a rich content of minerals, vitamins, and tannins, and therefore has many medical uses. The leaves are pale green in color.
The benefits of red raspberry leaves are several. To state a few:
- These leaves help in correcting a number of ailments, including flu, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, fever, vomiting, gum diseases, hangovers, rubella, menstrual problems, and inflammation.
- The leaves are also known to be an excellent source of mouthwash and help to eliminate ulcers in the mouth along with sores and inflammations.
- These are also used as an astringent on the skin.
- They are used to treat acne and for restoring tightness and firmness of the skin.
- Red raspberry leaves also lower sugar levels and benefit people who have diabetes.
- They also help prevent dehydration.
Before Pregnancy
Consuming tea made from these leaves, before and during pregnancy has proved to be extremely beneficial. When trying to conceive, these leaves are especially given to a woman because it is said that the tea increases fertility. It is recognized as an effective herb. It contains fragrine which is a very strong alkaloid―this tones the muscles of the pelvic region and the uterus in entirety, and lengthens the luteal phase. The berries also contain a rich assimilation of vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin B complex along with several minerals like phosphorous and potassium. The leaves of this plant are first brewed and then given as a concoction of tea. It stops constipation that most women face in the early stages of their pregnancy. The fertility rate of both men and women increases when they consume this tea in combination with red clover. Along with that, this tea helps to prevent miscarriage by helping the fertilized egg attach to the uterine lining and staying attached there.
During Pregnancy
Along with consuming the tea before pregnancy, consuming this tea during pregnancy has many benefits as well. These are listed below:
- It prevents hemorrhage. While helping in toning the uterus, it also helps prevent a postpartum hemorrhage from an atonic or relaxed uterus.
- It eases morning sickness.
- It relieves nausea and abdominal distress throughout pregnancy.
- It increases blood circulation.
- It benefits the immune system and aids in the bone development of the baby.
- Red raspberry tea helps to eliminate any complications that might occur.
- It helps to induce labor as well. The tea reduces the pain during and after labor.
- It allows to have a minimally painful delivery and speeds the recovery.
- It reduces the chances of a cesarean, rupturing of membranes or a ‘forceps’ delivery.
- It helps in the ample production of breast milk.
- Red raspberry tea improves contraction during birth. It encourages the uterus to function more efficiently thus helping to make the birth faster and easier.
Red raspberry tea should be taken throughout one’s pregnancy in consultation with a gynecologist. The best form to take it in is by brewing it into tea. To make this, take 1-2 teaspoons of raspberry tea leaves and put them in about a cup of boiling water. Let this mixture steep for 15 minutes. Then add sugar to taste and voila! It is advised to have around 2-3 cups during pregnancy. But before starting the dosage, consulting a doctor is a must.
Disclaimer – This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.