Round ligaments are attached to the uterus which help and support the baby to accommodate in the uterus. Due to the expanding of the uterus these ligaments stretch and may result in pain and discomfort. Find out the associated symptoms and some tips to get relief from this pain in this write-up.
During pregnancy a woman undergoes many changes. These changes come with lots of pain and discomfort. Among all these, round ligament or lower abdominal pain during pregnancy is quite common. It can be usually observed in the second and third trimester. It is considered common and normal till it is not associated with some other symptoms. Let’s check the symptoms, causes and treatment for this pain.
What is Round Ligament Pain?
It is the pain which is associated with the round ligaments which are attached to the uterus. These ligaments are tough fibrous tissues which help and support the uterus to expand so as to support the fetus. The expanding or stretching of the uterus may cause pain as it starts putting pressure on the round ligaments and other muscles. Some women may experience very sharp pain whereas some may notice this as dull pain. This pain is comparatively less in the first pregnancy as compared to the 2nd, 3rd or 4th pregnancy. The pain can start with the second trimester and can become worse in the third trimester.
Causes and Symptoms
As the size of the uterus increases, the ligaments which keep the uterus into its place experiences pressure. Although they support the growth and development of the uterus, the excessive stretch results in pain. Hence, the symptoms may consist of sharp pain in the lower abdomen which may sometimes be one-sided. The pain may start from the lower abdomen and may go upward or inside the groin. Ligament contractions and spasm may also result in such pain.
How to Get Relief from the Pain?
Round ligament or lower abdominal pain is very common and normal during pregnancy. There are few ways to get relief from this pain. Following are some of them.
- Rest is most important and helpful method to cure your ligament pain during pregnancy. Take proper rest, especially after exercises.
- Regular stretching exercises may also help in relieving pain.
- Do not jerk your body. Sit, stand, walk or whatever you do, do it slowly. This will not trigger the pain and will give relief if you experience it.
- If you are in pain, then change your positions regularly. Like if you are sitting, try to walk slowly.
- Take heat therapy, either by applying heat pad to the lower abdomen or by taking warm water bath. Do not overheat yourself as it may not be healthy. Heat therapy may also give relief from many ligament injuries.
- You may also take some painkillers but consult your doctor before taking any medication.
Other Serious Causes
Sometimes the ligament pain may also be confused with other abdominal pains which may be serious. So, if the pain is accompanied with other symptoms like bleeding, prolonged and unbearable pain then the cause may be different. Following are some of the symptoms which may indicate towards a serious condition.
- If you experience nausea, vomiting, fever and severe pain in the lower abdomen then it may indicate appendicitis.
- If the abdominal pain is accompanied with blood in urine then it may be kidney stone or urinary tract infection.
- If you are experiencing sharp and unbearable abdominal pain then this may be related to ovarian cysts or an ectopic pregnancy. This condition is only possible in the first trimester.
Normally, the pain can be experienced only for few minutes to an hour. But, if the pain continues for a longer period of time, then consult a doctor immediately. Check out for the other symptoms so as to avoid complications. Perform your daily pregnancy exercises and have healthy food. Take care and go for your regular checkups.
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.