In this article, you will find all the information related to ruptured ovarian cyst symptoms and treatment.
A cystic structure that is known as a follicle is formed every month during a normal menstrual cycle. These follicles secrete progesterone and estrogen, which stimulates the release of a mature egg. In cases when the follicle continues to grow, it is called an ovarian cyst. Such cysts are common in all women who continue to experience menstruation.
In many cases, they are completely asymptomatic – in other words, a woman will not experience any pain or other signs or symptoms which will alert her to the fact that she has a cyst. Thankfully, most of them resolve on their own, even without treatment after one or two menstrual cycles. However, if the cyst is ruptured, it does show some signs. This article will highlight the ruptured ovarian cyst symptoms.
An ovarian cyst may be complex or simple. The content of a simple cyst is fluid, whereas both fluid and solids make up the content of a complex ovarian cyst. 2 examples of simple and functional cysts are Follicular cysts and graafian cysts. Complex ovarian cysts are of several types, such as dermatoid cysts, endometriomas and cystadenomas.
It is only a ruptured ovarian cyst that can be potentially harmful and can produce life-threatening symptoms too. A common cause is when the body does not release enough luteinizing hormones. When this happens, the eggs remain attached onto follicles and later on develop into cysts, which might further develop into a ruptured ovarian cyst.
The symptoms vary from one individual to another, however there are some typical symptoms that can be linked to this condition. They are:
- Irregular menstrual cycles
- A constant or intermittent dull ache in the pelvic area
- Pain in the pelvis shortly before the menstrual cycles begins and ends
- Pain in the pelvis during intercourse
- Nausea, breast tenderness, and vomiting
- Heaviness or fullness in the abdomen
- Pressure on the rectum or bladder
The treatment depends on the severity of the condition, the extent of the damage caused by the rupture and whether there are any complications associated with the cystic rupture.
The first thing the doctor will do is to stabilize the condition. For this, the doctor will be required to assess the airway, breathing, and circulation. In most cases, the doctor will begin antibiotics. In pre-menopausal women, the doctor might start drugs that prevent ovulation.
Once the condition has been stabilized, the doctor may want to continue running tests to understand the condition better. Some of the tests that the doctor may conduct are ultrasound, laparoscopy, and ultrasonography.
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.