Subchorionic hemorrhage symptoms during pregnancy are not a very common occurrence. Given here are causes, symptoms, and treatment options.
Subchorionic hemorrhage symptoms (or subchorionic hematoma) develop during pregnancy when there is a blood clot formation between the placental layers and the uterus. The reason behind this is not very well understood. The condition is reversible more often than not. You need to consult with a doctor if you think you are showing its signs. There a few speculations made towards the reason behind the condition which have been discussed in the next section.
- Though not a very definitive finding, many doctors believe that this condition is developed during implantation of the egg in the uterus.
- Sometimes, the egg may separate or tear away from the uterus, which may cause bleeding and development of a hematoma in the uterus. What activity that a woman does leads to this, is still not clear.
- Therefore, doctors opine that nothing that a woman does or does not do can cause this condition. The outcome of the development of its signs is not always drastic and can be treated.
- Most of the time, this condition is asymptomatic and would not be possible for you to know whether there is a complication that may have arisen.
- However, in certain cases, in the second and third trimester, the signs may develop.
- The most common sign of this condition is vaginal bleeding. Therefore, if you do show such a sign, it is advisable to get an ultrasound done.
- Ultrasound testing is probably the only and most dependable diagnostic tool for confirming this condition.
- Abdominal pain in early pregnancy is also an indication.
If you do show signs, complications may arise. Though rare, they have to be looked out for. The chances of pre-term birth or a miscarriage are quite high. The baby’s growth may also be restricted sometimes. The size of the hematoma determines the risk involved. If the hematoma is large and is seen in the early months of the pregnancy, the miscarriage risk is quite high. If the hematoma size is small, it is left untreated by many doctors, as it does not affect the mother or the baby. However, there are a few treatments and precautions prescribed or suggested by doctors. These are mentioned in the next section.
A formal mode of treatment is not available to treat this condition. Different doctors have a different approach towards this condition. In many pregnancies, where these indications are observed, the condition is not treated. Doctors ask mothers to be more careful during all kinds of physical activities, especially lifting heavy objects or overexertion. To bleed out the hematoma, doctors often prescribe blood thinner therapies. Aspirin, Heparin are often prescribed. If miscarriage looks like a risk, estrogen and progesterone treatment is also offered.
It has been observed that most of the women with this condition do not need any form of treatment. The hematoma either bleeds out or is absorbed by the body. This happens by the 20th week of pregnancy. The diagnosis may sound like a matter to worry about. However, it is important for mothers to remember that following up on the condition will definitely be beneficial. Mental stress may lead to further complications. Staying optimistic and consulting the doctor regularly, is the key to avoid any risks and complications.
The signs may seem to be a cause for panic. Just a visit to the doctor and maintaining precautions should help you recover. Most importantly, the solution is staying calm and everything will surely fall into place.
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.