Every woman experiences swollen, tender breasts at least once in her lifetime. This article tells you about some of the common reasons and factors that are responsible for such a condition.
Various physiological changes that take place in the female body are also reflected through the breasts. Therefore, many women complain of breast-related problems at different important stages of their life, including puberty, pregnancy, lactation, menopause, etc. One of the most common problems faced by women is having swollen breasts. This is generally neglected as manifestation of various hormonal changes taking place in the body.
Swollen and sore breasts are sensitive to touch, creating a little discomfort for women. In some cases, tender breasts are also accompanied with redness of nipples and/or areola. In some instances, they could indicate some serious disease or illnesses, that can be hazardous to overall health, and have fatal results. This article tells you about some of the common causes.
Common Causes
Puberty: The size of the breasts naturally increases during puberty. This development resulted in breast enlargement. During this period, girls may temporarily experience tender breasts due to hormonal changes. This is nothing to worry about, unless it causes excessive pain.
Menstruation: Many women experience tenderness in the breasts as a symptom of menstruation. The decreased level of reproductive hormones, known as estrogen and progesterone, triggers a swelling. This reduces and diminishes within a couple of days during or after the menstruation is over.
Pregnancy: Swollen breasts are also one of the signs that indicate pregnancy. Hence, for someone with an active sexual life, tender breasts can just be the symptom of pregnancy. She should consult her doctor or gynecologist for this, though there is nothing serious about it. In this case too, the swelling can be attributed to sudden hormonal changes.
Breastfeeding: Lactating mothers could also experience swelling and tenderness, which occurs due to natural milk production and secretion process. In a few cases, the child sucking the breasts for longer duration can also result in temporary swelling or enlargement of the breasts.
Menopause: As women reach their menopausal age and stage, hormonal changes get triggered that causes many physical and mental changes. One of the physical symptoms of menopause is tender and/or swollen breasts, which is not considered as serious unless excessive pain or fluid secretion, etc. is observed.
Contraceptives: Women who use contraceptive pills experience breast problems. These occur due to hormonal imbalance caused by the pills. If the breast inflammation is severe, accompanied by unusual bleeding, bloating, headache, and uneasiness, immediate medical care should be sought.
Severe Causes
Breast Cancer: Chronic and severe breast pain, along with tender, swollen breasts, can be the symptom of breast cancer in women. In case of cancer, swollen breasts can also be accompanied by an increasing lump in the breasts, painful nipples and areola, and pain in the upper arm.
Breast Lumps: Many women can experience tenderness due to the presence of lumps in the breasts, which are generally benign. They may be formed in the process of lactation, or due to breast cysts. However, some lumps can also be a sign of breast cancer and other severe problems.
Breast Infection: This is also known to cause tenderness in breasts. Infection could take place in the process of lactation, in case of breast injury, or due to unhygienic habits. Here, the swelling and tenderness could also be accompanied by redness, pain, and pus secretion.
Lymphatic Infections: The lymphatic system of the body plays a major role in draining the blood outside the blood vessels. These lymphatic glands or nodes have a network all over the body. When these nodes are inflamed due to infection, the area around them too inflames. So, if the lymphatic infection occurs in the breast nodes, breasts too get enlarged and inflamed. Lymphatic infection can be fatal if left untreated.
Apart from this, breast implantation surgeries too carry the risk of causing tender and sore breasts.
Treatments Available
In case of serious causes, it is essential to undergo different tests to determine the root cause of the problem. After analyzing the test reports, the doctors will specify and prescribe the course of treatment for the ailment, which will also treat the minor sub-symptoms related to breasts. In case of common symptoms too, women are advised to visit their doctors to ease the discomfort in the breasts, so as to avoid any further health hazards. Some simple home remedies, such as using a cold and hot compress, massaging breasts gently with essential oils, and having a warm water bath, can help you get some relief from swelling and tenderness. Some vitamin supplements, taken under the guidance of a doctor, will also help in reducing milder problems.
To avoid any severe problems, it is essential for women to check their breasts regularly, once a month. All you have to do is stand in front of the mirror, and press the breasts gently to check if there are any lumps. You must also observe if any changes in their appearance have occurred. If you notice any unusual changes, you must visit a doctor as soon as possible.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and not intended to replace the advice offered by a medical expert.