VCF birth control method has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, as it does not contain any hormones that produce side effects.
VCF stands for vaginal contraceptive film. This film is squarish in shape and extremely thin. A part of the film, which is around 2×2 inches is coated with a spermicide (a substance that destroys male reproductive cell). Using it involves folding the film into half and then pushing into the cervix.
One might think that the insertion of the film into the vaginal area can cause a permanent obstruction. However, this doesn’t happen, as the material used to make this film is water-soluble. Studies show that the film dissolves in the fluids, found in the vaginal area. However, it does not dissolve immediately and so experts recommend that the film should be placed in the cervix 15 to 60 minutes prior having sexual intercourse.
Keep in mind that experts have not yet developed any contraception methods that are 100% effective. Any form of contraception that is more than 92% effective can be used. VCF satisfies this criterion as it is found to be approximately 94% effective.
VCF Vs Pills
As compared to 94% effectiveness showed by VCF, birth control pills are about 98% effective. Considering this comparison, one may conclude that the pills are a better alternative. However, many women using the pills complain about nauseating feeling, vomiting, bloating, and severe headaches. VCF users are typically exempted from these health issues. There may be mild vaginal irritation during intercourse but that lasts only for a minute or two and has been reported in only 2% of cases. Usually, both husband and wife do not feel the presence of any foreign object during sexual intercourse. In other words, its presence goes unnoticed by either partner.
On the whole, to prevent unwanted pregnancy, one can certainly rely on this non-hormonal birth control method. All one has to do is place this semi-transparent film in the cervix 15 minutes before getting ‘cozy’ in the room. VCF is indeed a convenient way to keep pregnancy at bay as long as one desires.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.