Our mind is always working. We can not stop thinking about what we have going on at work or what the kids have going on, what is happening in the world, our country, or even our communities. In our busy lives, it is essential for our mental health that we take a couple of minutes each day to recharge our minds. This can help us to maintain focus and work as hard as we can. We will explore four five-minute exercises that can help us recharge our mental health.
Meditation is something that anyone can do, and it can be done in as little as five minutes. Meditation is becoming an ever-increasing part of life in western cultures, and you can find a lot of resources out there to help you if you have a hard time getting started. Start basic and focus on mindfulness. Take five minutes to monitor your breath and empty your mind of distractions. Be intentional about every breath that you take. One breath-monitoring technique to try is what is called the alternative nostril breathing. Using your thumb, gently close one side of your nose by pressing on the side. Inhale through the other side and then gently close that side with your ring finger. Release your thumb as you exhale through the alternate side. Close your eyes as you do this exercise, focusing on every inhale and exhale. Repeat this breathing technique for at least five minutes.
Stay Positive
We live in a world where it is effortless to get down on ourselves or find ways to be discouraged. Just ten minutes on social media can make us feel negative sometimes. How about instead of getting upset, we do what we can to stay positive. Recording what good things have happened in your life can certainly be a good way of recognizing them and putting your focus on them. This has been shown to help keep you energized and open yourself up to more possibilities. Choosing positivity is an intentional act. Choose intentionally today.
This might take longer than five minutes, depending on what you are creating. However, taking a couple of minutes to create something can be a great way to give your mind a break. This break can help you stay energized and push through your day.
Eat Healthy
Finally, this is an excellent tip for any improvement to your body. Instead of taking an easy approach to your diet. Spend five minutes to find something new and healthy to eat. This can go a long way to improving your mental health.
Our mental health deserves our attention because we need to be on our best for the people around us. This is not always an easy thing we can accomplish. However, if we take these five simple steps, we can improve our mental health. So, the next time you feel like you need a mental break, try meditation, be positive, create something new, and eat healthy. These should help you get back on track and lead to a healthy mental life.