How do you start your morning routine after a good night’s sleep? Some people get up and eat breakfast, shower, or head straight to the gym. But, how about you try something new in the morning to get your day started right? Here are three options that can help jump start your day to greatness.
Stretching is a great way to start your day. These exercises can help launch your day pain and ache free. The first exercise is a simple stretch where your legs are extended away from your body, and your arms are stretched above your head. Give this stretch your all, extending your body as much as possible.
The next exercise is to bring your knees to your chest. You can do one knee at a time or do both knees at the same time. Repeat this exercise five times. The third exercise can help with your hamstrings. Take one leg and point it up in the air as much as you can as you pull your leg towards you. Repeat on the second leg. Go slowly and don’t try to raise your leg higher than is comfortable.
The final exercise can help your back. For this one, bend your legs and keep your back flat on the bed. Point your bent knees to the side and hold. Make sure to do the other side as well. Repeat this exercise several times, moving into and out of each position slowly.
Simple Body Weight Workout
The next set of exercises is a way to help you stay fit and potentially gain some muscle. These exercises can be done in any order you feel, and you will probably have some familiarity with each of them. Start with a set of six each of pushups and sit-ups. Next, move into working on the lower body by doing sets of squats and lunges. Finally, let’s get the heart pumping! Do three sets of ten jumping jacks for your morning cardio. These are simple exercises to get your day started right, but don’t feel that you need to stop there. Repeat, or add on other exercises to really jump start your day.
The final exercise will work your mind. Meditation is a great way to help you start the day. It gives you a moment to pause and envision your day with no other distractions. Simply sit for a moment and try to monitor your breaths. If this is hard for you to do, there are plenty of meditation apps and tools out there to help you find the breathing rhythm you need for proper mediation. You don’t need to spend long on this in the morning, three to five minutes to get yourself centered should suffice on most days.
Starting the morning out in the right way is a great way to make sure your day is productive and goes well. This morning routine should take you half an hour, and give you the jump start to your day that makes it a great one!