While some people might not see any link between hypnosis and pregnancy or labor, some are aware of how hypnosis can help women during these phases. Come, know more about this boon with us …
Having personally experienced the benefits of hypnosis, let me tell you that it genuinely helps an expecting mother deal with any anxious moments during and after pregnancy, and especially during labor.
The first time I heard that hypnosis was a technique used to reduce the pain a woman experiences during labor, I did not know what to make out of it. I was really doubtful whether it would work, and in the first place, how does it exactly work? Then I realized that expectant mothers who do not wish to go in for an epidural, have no choice but to go for a natural birth. With this fact in mind, expectant mothers should contemplate giving hypnosis a chance; really, you have nothing to lose.
The main reason people are increasingly using this technique, is to get the mother’s body and mind to a completely relaxed state. This relaxed state of mind helps her to deal with any nervousness that she might feel during and after the crucial nine months. It gives her strength to handle the excruciating pain of labor, and probably even reduce the time of labor.
You can achieve this relaxing state with the help of self-hypnosis. This includes listening to relaxing, light music in the background with instructions that need to be heard and followed carefully. You may also ask a relative to read out relaxation notes. All these methods of relaxation basically probe the expectant mother to relax her eyes, hands, fingers, legs, feet, neck, and slowly her entire body. Settling down of the mind is achieved by asking her to dream, imagine herself in her favorite place surrounded by all her favorite possessions, and carrying out her favorite activities. Once you loosens up a bit, you are made aware of how beautiful and powerful you are, to bring a new life into this world.
Hypnosis even focuses on breathing, which helps one to completely calm down and unwind; then again, no one can deny the benefits of long and deep breathing especially during labor. Indeed, the aim of hypnosis is to help a woman who is in labor, to completely let go everything, feel totally relaxed, and concentrate on taking long and deep breaths. Proper breathing helps labor proceed faster.
The best part about hypnosis is that you can reach a relaxed state of mind and body where you may fall asleep at least for some time; drastically forgetting the pain you would otherwise experience. Believe me, this time that you get, comes as a huge relief.
Hypnosis also helps you deal with stress that is inevitable during and after pregnancy. A woman undergoes a lot of anxious moments during her nine months of pregnancy. Even after pregnancy, a mother could get overwhelmed adjusting to her new life, daily chores, and thoughts. Sometimes, when these moments get out of hand, they can cause immense stress.
I hope all you readers get a chance to experiment with this technique and reap its benefits.