Night sweats in women under 30 could be nothing more than an annoying problem. However, if it tends to recur or if it worsens with time, then it warrants a medical visit. If you think you have this problem, then here are some vital insights you would like to read about.
Night sweats can be described as excessive perspiration that occurs only at night during sleeping. It is a very uncomfortable condition as it soaks the clothes and bedding so badly that it disrupts the sleep. When women under 30 experience it frequently, they feel surprised as night sweat is more commonly found in women who are approaching menopause. Note that this problem can affect younger women as well but in their case, the causal factors may differ.
Causes Behind Night Sweats
» Changes in the hormonal levels are often responsible for causing night sweats in women who are in their 20s. Hormonal imbalance is absolutely normal during pregnancy or just after childbirth. This is a temporary phase and as the body restores the hormonal balance, the night sweat symptoms are gone.
» Some women under 30 tend to undergo perimenopause transition that brings about drastic change in their reproductive life. In this condition, the ovaries produce less amount of estrogen hormone than normal. As a result, symptoms that are very similar to that of menopause are observed. This problem may last for a few months or a few years.
» Young women may develop hyperthyroidism where the body produces excess of thyroid hormones due to overactivity of thyroid glands. The high levels of thyroid hormones then trigger frequent night sweats.
» Night sweats may also indicate infections. It can be due to bacterial infections like tuberculosis that affects the lungs, endocarditis or infection of heart valves and osteomyelitis which causes inflammation of bones. Those who have serious viral infection like HIV that affects the immune system and causes AIDS, experience night sweats.
» Diabetic patients tend to suffer from this problem when there is a sudden drop in the blood sugar level. This condition is also known as hypoglycemia.
» This problem could be a side effect of certain medicines which are used by women of this age group. It includes birth control pills, antidepressants, aspirin, niacin, acetaminophen. Anemia, low blood pressure, anxiety are also some of the general causes of night sweats.
» If night sweats are accompanied by fever and weight loss, then lymphoma could be suspected as a contributing factor.
What Can Be Done?
The first step of treatment is to ascertain the actual cause behind it. For this, a thorough diagnosis is needed where the patients should discuss every minute details about their medical history, lifestyle, medicines that they have taken in the recent past, etc.
» If there is an existing medical problem like infection, hormonal disorder, etc., then that specific condition has to be treated properly.
» Side effects of medicines are controlled by either stopping the intake of medicine or changing the prescription.
» When it is a perimenopause symptom and is troubling the patient too much, doctors may treat it with hormonal therapy. Many women suffering from perimenopause have found a lot of relief after this treatment.
» Besides the treatment, patients are also advised to keep their bedroom atmosphere cool. It is also very important to wear comfortable sleepwear made of natural fabrics. This will ensure that the sweat do not get trapped.
» Taking a cool shower before going to bed and drinking of cold milk or fruit juice can also help to check the recurrence of night sweats.
While night sweats is not a serious health issue, its intensity can be lessened to some extent with the help of a few suitable measures. Food like fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, dairy products, etc. keep our body cool from within. Therefore, such food should be included in the daily diet. Those who suffer from anxiety sweating must practice some relaxation techniques to keep their mind free from stress.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.