Strep throat and pregnancy-associated disorders are often observed simultaneously. Strep throat causes throat infection and pain in the tonsils. Read ahead to know more in this regard.
Strep throat is caused by Streptococcal infections and is very often observed during pregnancy. The bacteria invades the mucous membrane lining the pharynx, larynx, and tonsils of the throat. This condition is known as strep throat. The infection is contagious and is transmitted by human contact. It causes immense discomfort during pregnancy. The most common type of strep infection affecting pregnant women is caused by the group A Streptococcus bacteria. The bacteria even infects the lymph nodes causing a lot of pain in the throat and its associated glands.
Symptoms Observed
Strep throat in early pregnancy can be diagnosed very easily with symptoms similar to that of a sore throat. Early symptoms are:
- Inflammation of the throat and swelling around the neck
- Difficulty in breathing and mild respiration trouble
- Difficulty in consuming food and swallowing
- Ejection of mucus while coughing
- Weakness in the body and fatigue
- Headache, abdominal pain, and fever
- Reduced appetite accompanied by nausea
- Enlargement of tonsils and lymph nodes
- Excessive sweating and lack of energy
These symptoms form the basis for the detection of a strep infection during pregnancy. The disease is painful and extreme coughing causes restlessness. Immediate medical help should be given to pregnant women to prevent the aggravation of symptoms.
Treatment of Strep Throat During Pregnancy
Strep throat infection can be diagnosed by 2 types of medical tests. They are:
- Throat Culture Test
- Rapid Strep Test
Treatment for this throat infection during pregnancy is done with extreme care and with the right kind of medications that are safe for the mother as well as her baby. You can either opt for herbal remedies or take antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
➜ There are certain antibiotics prescribed by doctors during pregnancy. The antibiotics should be consumed regularly to get rid of the infection. The best antibiotics for strep throat are penicillin and amoxicillin.
➜ Adequate dosage of these antibiotics can completely cure the problem. Cephalexin is also a good option for treatment. These antibiotics are also effective in curing sinus infections and inflammation of the tonsils.
➜ Sometimes, anesthetic throat sprays are prescribed by doctors to reduce the pain and irritation inside the throat. Acetaminophen is also a good medicine to get rid of the fever associated with strep throat.
➜ These antibiotics should be taken with extreme caution as an overdose can cause considerable side effects during pregnancy that is detrimental not only to the mother but also her baby.
Home Remedies
The best home remedy to get rid of a sore throat is gargling with warm saline water. Salt water fights bacteria and helps prevent further infections. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and is very useful in treating the symptoms of strep throat. It’s always advisable to stay in warm room temperatures with increased humidity. To soothe a sore throat, drink warm liquids at frequent intervals. A few home remedies have been enlisted below:
- Chamomile tea (only under doctor’s advice) is beneficial to alleviate the symptoms of strep throat during gestation. Chamomile is a natural analgesic that helps reduce fever and pain.
- You can even try out the recipe with 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and honey in 8 ounces of water. Drink this frequently to feel comfortable.
- Boil some ginger in water. Strain and drink it warm. You will get instant relief.
- Gargling with a mixture of water, cayenne pepper, and garlic will help you get rid of the pain inside the throat.
- You can prepare a recipe with freshly grated ginger roots, honey, and lemon. Drink this at least twice or thrice a day if you suffer from vomiting or nausea.
- Lemon tea with cinnamon is also a very good herbal remedy.
Strep throat can be cured at home until and unless the symptoms are serious and call for medical attention. However, during pregnancy, it’s always suggested to seek the doctor’s advice before resorting to any intervention method. Since pregnancy is a crucial period, every little precaution should be taken to prevent strep throat. Take care!
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.